Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Trampoline House Podcast #2

(click title to hear/download Podcast 2)

In this second (very belated) in our podcast series, host Eric Morse presents twelve tracks that have been featured on Trampoline House in the past year. It's a rock and roll extravaganza. It's a celebration of new music. It's a glimpse at the Next Big Thing. It's not to be missed.

Track listing:
ESKIMO HUNTER, "Walking Tour of Space 90013"
MAUS, "Life in a Fishbowl"
EARLY MAY, "Radiant"
LOVE HOTEL, "Ahoy Supercool"
THE LIGHTS, "Victims of the Pleasure of the Sense of Hearing"
THE HONG KONG, "Mazerati"
DJEZI, "Mmmmhmm"
PLAN B, "Daylight Breaking"
GREATER THAN ZERO, "Fake Blizzard"
OLD GHOST, "North/South Town"

54:14 45.1 MB.

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